After so many years spent in the developpment of TAMIO, the list of features added to the system has become ridiculously long. Every type of business has its own specific requirements, and no matter how busy or big of a business you own, you will never use more than about 70% of what TAMIO has to offer. A few important points to mention are:
All future software updates are FREE, forever!
TAMIO is a multi-language platform; each user has its own language setting.
Currently English, French & Greek are available
Print in any language, on any printer and without any special hardware required
Stylish and intuitive interfaces make it amazingly easy to learn and use
You have full control over the software, everything we do, you can also do
Lets divide these features by service mode and point out some of the most important ones.
Multiple course ordering
Hold & Fire to control service flow
Call course on demande
Automatic logout
Highly customizable kitchen printouts
Discount by cash amount, percentage or predefined
Discount by item only or entire order
Transfer table to other users
Transfer client to other tables
Split item cost between multiple clients
Create unlimited combos and promotions by merging items together
Compatible with various pay at the table payment terminals
Caller ID for quick client info
Google Maps for effective location searches
Canada 411 for quick address fetching
Auto-fill client address for speed and accuracy
Geofencing based on distance or time
Close bills with a barcode scanner
Identify new or recurring customers on bills
Automatic service charge
Delivery dispatching MAP to improve logistics
Delivery dispatch module to assign orders to drivers
Multiple bills for a same address
View customer order history and re-order
Automatically print 1,2 or 3 bills
Put in a note of payment by cash or if requires a portable debit machine
Export client list to excel for marketing
Keep track of client names, phone numbers and other details
Get order numbers for pickups at a later time
Can easily modify orders if clients call back
Automatic discount on all pickup orders
Share all pickups between users until they are paid
Each item can have a different price for pickup, indoors or delivery
Send an email automatically to request a payment by credit card if needed
Use barcode scanner for quick sales
Get order number coupons to pickup orders
Integrated with various payment terminals
Integrated with various scales
Display price with customer pole display
Use dual monitors for advertisement and price display
Able to bypass a payment all-together and close bill as cash instantly
Manage all gift cards for free without any extra cost
Multi-location franchise wide system
Can use your own custom made magnetic cards or paper coupons
Cards can be used in multiple payments until their balance is empty
Keep track of all active cards in circulation
Create new giftcard on the fly, with your customize terms right out of your receipt printer if you don't want to print custom cards.
Fully customizable reports for day close and staff
Manage live labor cost & timesheets.
Get SMS alerts if labor cost is too high during the day
Sales by hour, by period, by departement
Sales by best selling items or category
Sales by detailed service modes
Automatically email day close report
Allow multiple shifts per user in the same day
Easy historical sale reports for any date range
Full page A4 reporting as well as thermal ribons
No more paper cards with stamps!
Point reward system on amount spent
Convert points into discounts, free items or cash
Example: buy 10 coffees, get 1 free
Client can use his smart phone as instead of a loyalty card
Opens the door to marketing email campagins
No application download required
No subscription or login required
No commission fee per order!
Pickup and/or Delivery
Manage item availability and pricing live from your POS
Orders print directly and instantly to your kitchen
Optional mandatory credit card payment when ordering
Print promotional QR codes on invoices
Also compatible with 8.5 x 11 printer full page invoice
Automatically round amounts to 0.05$
Mask invoice # to avoid corporate espionage
Avoid reprinting for fraud with user restrictions
Share a printer between multiplie POS stations
Scan invoice barcode for faster payments or ownership transfer
Show a tip percentage suggestion
Customize invoice layout at any time, adding your promo is fast and easy
Sort order by individual clients
Sort all alphabetically
Sort by course number
Sort by item priority
Cut paper after each item
Cut paper after each course
Specify item color (black or red) per item
Show if printers at other stations are also printing part of the same order
Avoid paper & ink cost of traditional printers
Can be any screen size, from 19" to a 50" TV or more
Adjust the size of the coupons to your likikng
See the orders from very far away compare to a printer coupon
Get a glimpse of late orders just by the color code
Use multiple kitchen display linked togheter to have a dispatch unit
Runs on WiFi, the tiniest computer you have ever seen, plug directly into the TV.
See all delivery orders that did not leave the store at a glance with how long they have been there for
Easely assign orders to a driver that is currently working
Use a barcode scanner to track who took which order and know when it left the store
Send an SMS to your client letting them know the ordre left the store
See all pending orders on a MAP disptach TV the size of your choice, to know what order to take at the same time
Cash out your drivers faster and easely at the end of their shift
Automatic punch-in when user logs in
Automatic punch-out when user pulls his report
Print punch in & out coupons
Round punch time to 15 minutes
Edit, add or remove punch records
Print or email timesheets for each employee
Secure option to punch using fingerprint only
Get live labor cost based on user wage vs day sales.
View your store live sales from anywhere in the world
View advanced graphic reports
Compare monthly sales, sales by modes etc.
Compare multiple location sales side by side
Web based, compatible with any smart phone, tablet or pc
We provide live demos to try from your computer